Sunday, January 1, 2012


They really need to start delivering breakfast.  It took me a few tries to make coffee this morning. 

So, how 'bout it? The newest of years: beheld, behold. 

Some words to bring it in, read under a sea of silver pines in the dark cold wet night...

They looking back, all th' Eastern side beheld
Of Paradise, so late thir happie seat,
Wav'd over by that flaming Brand, the Gate
With dreadful Faces throng'd and fierie Armes:
Som natural tears they drop'd, but wip'd them soon;
The World was all before them, where to choose
Thir place of rest, and Providence thir guide:
They hand in hand with wandring steps and slow,
Through Eden took thir solitarie way...

Milton's blessingcurse swirling through flames and coals, 

our two (four?) heroes despairing but hopeful, terrified but anticipating, alone but together, as they look back on Paradise, 2011, what they know, all they know, and into the unknown, the world, 2012, the newest of new years....

A prayer slipping into meditation as the seconds passed us through into January, followed by a rich and breathful awakening to the stars and a sweetwise Oshan soliloquy...

Accept yourself. Respect yourself. Allow your nature to take its own course. Don't force, don't repress. Doubt - because doubt is not a sin, it is the sign of intelligence. Doubt and go on inquiring until you find.  One thing I can say: whosoever inquires, finds. It is absolutely certain; it has never been otherwise. Nobody has come empty-handed from an authentic inquiry.

And soft reveling into the dawn. 

I have nothing to say about 2011.  And 2012 should not does not give me reason to improve my life.  I do nothing different today than I have been doing everyday in recovery.  I simply strive to be healthy and treat other people well.  This surely leads to happiness! 

Though I thought it charming to share a beautiful little nugget from a man who changed folk music:

Thanks Woody. You keep it simple. And exactly 60 years later, especially 60 years later, maybe let's get back to that?

Happy New Year.  

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