Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Final Hoe-Down

First order of business: big thanks to the Dartmouth Outdoors Club and Phi Tau fraternity for hosting this motley crue of raggedy bush people, replete with face paint, limps, smiles, and infections.

Ah, Hanover--the gateway to New Hampshire, leaving the Vermont Greenerie behind and moving into the White of the North Country.

Vermont changed my life--in small, day-to-day ways, but aren't these the changes that impact us the most? For life is but a series of minor events--why search for epic grandiosity? Though the occasional bout in epic grandiosity can replenish the soul...

I am reaffirming my belief that we all exist in nothingness, that in fact our own existence is but a void, empty and awake, since begingless time and for all non-substantial eternity--and so, attachments, be they expectations or materials, never do serve us positively, and perhaps the thing to do is to let go of said attachments and in fact not even cultivate them in the first place...

These beliefs need constant reaffirmation, for spirituality is but a muscle to be flexed from time to time, no? As often as you will, until it just seeps into you.

I walk North, independently as Bootsy Collins Japhy Ryder Doghouse Magnolia Lenderking-Brill, yet also as a part of a group, the funkiest of Funky Towns--defining this identity, a perpetual process, always moving, an individual within the context of a community, a position we all must reckon with eventually--lest I sound even more than even more than redundant, let's end it there--

I think it is time to talk less and listen more.

Stay tuned.


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