Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The beach is glorious. I go every single day. Everywhere the beach is near. 

I may be running errands: oh, look, I can see the ocean, and I just happen to be wearing my bathing suit! Might as well...

Yeah but check this: I am getting a little...restless. Classes don't start for another 3 weeks. And to be perfectly honest, I am thirsting for some intellectual stimulation! Some cold hard genuine prime cut American Academia! Gimme some of that Joyce, boys! Gimme some Woolf! Shit I'll even take Descartes! 

For all of you currently participating in drudgery: feel a little better. Yeah, it is true, I am currently vacationing in a tropical paradise while receiving college credit (se Deus quiser...). But you know what? I want a job today. I want to go to classes. I want to be busy. 

Whoa. Wait a minute....shit. Nah--this is still pretty nice right now. But for real--after 3 more weeks of it (interrupted by a little event we like to call Carnaval, only the biggest party in the world centered on my doorstep) I will be done. 
So I think we can all learn something from this. Satisfaction is an elusive mistress. We wish for change, but beach or bitch we shall both eventually tire of. 

Let us actively seek what fulfills us right here. Maybe I need to get to a museum or volunteer at an orphanage for children with HIV (this is actually in the works).  Maybe it is time to make copy machine art in the cubicle. Rejoice in what is because what isn't isn't and it isn't what you think it is--all it is is just what is but with longing instead of frustration. Longing for the attainable shall never be quelled. Luxuriating in your seemingly measly rationing can cook frustration into satisfaction.

And as far as that big party goes, I am looking forward to it, yeah, but I have a feeling it is not really going to be my scene. But it will be here with me and I with it.

Give me some damn peanut butter! IS THERE NO PEANUT BUTTER IN THIS COUNTRY??? 

No. Relax with rice and beans. You can inject it when you get home if you want. You know, we really don't know what we got til it's gone. Truth.

When I am back home I will miss the beach and remember today. When you are in Brazil you will miss the snow and remember today. 

So let's pave paradise and put up a parking lot.  

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