It has been said that nothing is ever easy but it always gets done. The following exposition is a prime example of this—not just its content, which will be obvious, but the actual making of the film as well. After certain time and sanity-consuming crises, such as needing to search for and use a free file format converter (hence eerily fitting watermarks) in the editing process, thinking that out of impatience I may have accidentally deleted the entire project (which, while restoring my operating system, caused much smoking, twitching, and praying—but imagine the triumphant bliss when I knew I was mistaken!), and of course, finding ideal points and actually splitting the film (digitally, of course) to makes its length compatible with certain broadcasting interfaces…
we have a finished product.
As you enjoy this journey from frustrated toiling to satisfied ecstasy—resulting in genuine gratitude—ask yourself questions and bask in life’s inevitable and everlasting duplicity: it is the balance—even the opposition—of poles that makes us wholly empty.
Each time I go to lock that bike up I am filled with gratitude, satisfaction, calm, and even happiness. These float away like all feelings, and what am I left with? Only this awake beingness full of nothing.
Behold: it is here, but I HIGHLY recommend watching it on youtube because of the 'full screen' feature. Enjoy my newest film. Thank you.
Behold: it is here, but I HIGHLY recommend watching it on youtube because of the 'full screen' feature. Enjoy my newest film. Thank you.
I am tempted to turn this into a performance piece and delete the files from my computer so the film exists solely on the Internet, thus highlighting the transience of existence. But I am experiencing a figurative cryptorchidism.
It is important to know that everything you see came about completely spontaneously and organically out of the moment at hand. There were no plans.
(also available on my facebook page and youtube at: