Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Gimme that ol' time religion.....

Yesterday I wandered down to Praca de Se--the center.

It was a small adventure getting there--this is how I get around around: I ask someone how to get there. I don't understand what they say completely because place names are hard, but I get a general direction. I walk in that direction for a few hundred meters....and then ask the next person. And so on and so on. A slightly inefficient but extremely effective system.

Praca de Se has an cathedral.


Inside there were hundreds of people praying. On a Monday afternoon. I have never seen anything like this before. You know that I do not adhere to any religion in particular (especially not Catholicism...)but I was incredibly moved to bow my head and talk to the genderless being I choose to call God. So I did. 

It was all very powerful and striking.


  1. Wow nick, this looks amazing. you'll have to tell me how to get there.

    -(not-so) big A

  2. We will go back together. E bem facil.

    big in other ways, perhaps, besides size. nao e?

    peace brother.
