Friday, January 21, 2011


Thinking a lot about my life, things and people in it. 

I feel pensive and unwise. 

What is real? 

An uneasy but extremely calming and satiating state. 

This weekend at the beach will serve as an extremely beneficial and introspective vacation from things. Can't try too hard though. And no expectations, right?

Gotta jibboo. 


  1. Nick,
    Hey, this is Steph Cox (fellow ARE camper) and I just wanted to say I've found myself moved and inspired by your entries and how you've chosen to follow this path (although perhaps it wasn't much in the way of a choice, when the call comes, it comes).

    I've never been in Brazil but I've spent time in Argentina, and once a week at the falls that fall on the border of Brazil and Argentina, and I find myself feeling moved to embark upon a journey myself in a country I love (I could never speak highly enough about Argentina). Whether I do or don't remains to be seen but all the same I just wanted to thank you for lighting a spark in me that I haven't felt for quite some time.

  2. that is wonderful to hear steph. you are quite welcome.

    and i wanted to thank YOU for making me smile today.

    go for it.
