Welcome. A portal to a very small part of a very large country through a very small mind (though it is expanding as we speak).
For weeks leading up to my departure, there were bad vibes all around. Visa difficulties were tangible, but mostly thoughts swam on the inside. Forsaking my dependence was daunting. Leaving behind the people I love, the people I can and do lean on. It was even more daunting because it was so unexpected--I think of myself as an INDEPENDENT TRAVELER THIRSTY FOR ADVENTURE. A persona to fill. Why were my feet so cold?
A tempest was predicted for the hour of my departure. In fact, as I enjoy Sao Paulo's 22 degree (celsius, of course) sunlight, the clouds abuse Boston and New York (perhaps also enjoying a chilling 22 degrees). I saw this as the final sign from my genderless higher being: don't go, Nicky. With the open perspective of one I love and the almost forceful urgency of another, I was able to see the blizzard as a sign to get my ass down here NOW. So I did.
Changed the flight (did I mention my gratitude for the deep-pocketed and loving generosity of one of the aforementioned loved ones?). Got in whip. Drove all night to New York. Bam. 5 AM--got my flight, 10 hours, and bam. Did it. There. Here. Now.
The flight was completely uneventful and enjoyable--I created--until the last 30 minutes when my lunch pestered me to let it revisualize the light of day. I am happy to say that food's objectives did overpower the will of man in this case.
First thing--my new friend Tyrone, in the same program, is on my flight. So here we are, together, figuring out what to do, where to sleep.
My rusty Portuguese was an initial source of nervousness. Now, I am no Ruy Barbosa (name-drop compliments of a google search for "Brazilian orator"), but damn women! I can get around. It is extremely fun speaking in this language--and having it actually work. So, talked to this senhor right here,
figured it out
Upon awaking, we enjoyed a complimentary cafe da manha, and found our way to the next hotel, where you will find your humble (or at least he attempts humility--though third person referencing does not help his case) narrator sentando agora.
Where will I go? The question is more: where will I be taken? This trip is a call to find myself. Yes, I invoke a sappy cliche. But it is fitting, folks. The mind continues to learn, the heart continues to love.
Brazil is a wonderful place (so far. I realized the fact that I've been here less than a day removes the credibility of that statement). The pink cloud excitement has temporarily subsided. I feel calm. Strong. Scared too. I miss home. I miss people. But I have me. I have this new thing. And it, I, is here.
Enjoy Sao Paulo in 2 dimensions, my friends. Sending love to you all.
Hey Nick, Totally cool. Will enjoy reading about your adventures. As one of your moms, stay out of trouble and have fun. Patricia